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Kennedy Kevins
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Key Tips To Take care of your ESA dog in summer - 2021 Guide


We easily get tired in the summer because of several activities in the heat. The same is the case with our emotional support animal. You must provide some comfort to your ESA dog in summer so that it can relax. We think our emotional support animal loves us so much that it does not require any rest or comfort. However, it is a mistake to think like that. It is always a good idea to provide comfort to your dog, especially in summer. However, summer brings fun and heat together. For dog food diet, can dogs eat watermelon The answer is yes, with a couple of precautions.



Water is a life-saving drink in summer. Dogs drink more water than humans do and use this to keep themselves cool. Humans sweat to maintain their body temperature in summer, however, you will be amazed to know that dogs only sweat through their paws. It is always recommended to make sure that there is enough water available for your dog. Water will cool down your dog in the summer and will protect you from heat. It is always advised that you should leave your house with enough water so that your emotional support animal does not get dehydrated.



You might think that your emotional support dog feels uncomfortable with fur during the summer. It is a generally perceived idea that the fur on the dogs is to protect them from the cold. This leads to a very common mistake that people shave the fur of their emotional support dog in the summer. However, in reality, the fur protects the emotional support animal from harsh weather in both summers and winter. The fur protects the skin of the emotional support animal from direct heat from the sun.



Your emotional support animal must keep cool in the summer. There are several cool gadgets and toys available in the market that you can give to your emotional support dog. When the dog plays with cool gadgets and toys, it helps it to maintain its body temperature.



It is always a good idea to keep your emotional support animal in your house. You can get the ultimate love and joy if your emotional support dog is living with you in your house. However, for this purpose, you are going to need an esa letter for housing. You can get an emotional support animal letter after consulting with your mental health therapist. A licensed mental health therapist will write you a letter that is called the ESA letter for housing.



Similarly, make sure that there is enough shade available for your emotional support dog in your house. Longer exposure to the bright sun might deteriorate the health of your emotional support animal.



It is one of the most common observations by experts that people leave their emotional support animals in the car for a short period but take too long to come back. This practice is dangerous. You have acquired an esa letter because you were mentally not stable and needed an emotional support animal. Therefore, it is also your responsibility to take care of your emotional support partner.


There are several incidents when people leave their emotional support animal in the car which is parked in the sun. The temperature in the car which is parked in the sun can rise dramatically. The high temperature can result in the death of your beloved emotional support dog.



Many people rely on heavenly air conditioners in summer. Although, it might work for humans in summer. However, it is not good practice to keep your emotional support animals under air conditioning. In fruits, can dogs eat almonds ? No, it can become harmful to them. It is obvious that dogs love to play and go out now and then, therefore, it will not be wise for them to use air conditioning. Try to keep your emotional support animal cool through natural things and methods. In summer, try to take your dog out several times a day, so that it can adapt to the weather. Similarly, if you are travelling, try to lower the windows so that your dog can enjoy the fresh air.






Useful Resources:


Why is it legal to get an ESA letter online? - 2021 Guide


Why do baby boomers need emotional support animals the most? - 2021 Guide


Should children be allowed to own ESA? - 2021 Guide


Why it is important to have pets at home? - 2021 Guide


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