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Steps for Writing an Abstract


The abstract is probably the most significant part of your research paper from the reader’s perspective. It aptly describes the crux of your paper and sets the reader’s expectations. Therefore, you should have a good abstract to ensure that your paper gets published. 

Read the article further to know the steps you can follow to prepare a comprehensive and impressive abstract. These are the steps followed by write my essay  also. 


  • State the Aims of the Research 

You will start your abstract by writing about your aims and objectives. These are the basic goals that you set before starting your research. 

What did you want to achieve through the research? Did you want to identify a problem, discover something, invented something, or proposed solutions? Write it down briefly. 


  • Mention your Followed Methodology

Every research is conducted through a process. Each field of study has its own defined set of methods and techniques to conduct research. For instance, in molecular genetics, some of the techniques employed include sequencing, Polymerase Chain Reaction, pedigree analysis, etc. 

You don’t need to describe the whole process, instead just mention the major techniques used. 


  • Main Findings

As a result of the research that you conducted, you would have narrowed down some findings. You would have gotten some results from the research. So, you have to write down briefly what your findings were. 

Keep in mind that it is not always necessary that your hypothesis will be validated through the results. It could also be negated. But, its negation is also a finding. Do not alter your findings according to your hypothesis. It is against research ethics. 


  • Write the Conclusion

Based on the findings of your research, you will draw a conclusion. The conclusion will tell what you achieved and what was left. It should be according to the aims and objectives of your research. 

If you could not achieve your aims and objectives, you can mention the limitations of the research or your methodology. But do this in very few words. 


  • Highlight the Keywords

Certain main words define the scope of your research and the paper. These are called the keywords of your paper. 

The keywords are separately mentioned in the last one or two sentences of the abstract. They instantly convey what the paper is about and what was done through the research. 


Tips for Writing a Good Abstract

If you are convinced that you will not need an essay writing service for writing your abstract, here are some tips that can help you ace your abstract yourself. 

  • Do not elongate your abstract unnecessarily. 
  • An abstract should be of 5-7 lines or 150-300 words only. 
  • Read abstracts written in the other published papers before writing one for your paper. 
  • Write the abstract at the end after you are done writing your whole paper. 
  • Make sure that you check your formatting style and format your abstract accordingly.
  • Do accommodate the requirements of a journal or your instructor and structure your abstract accordingly. For instance, some journals require background information or thesis statement in the abstract also. 
  • Read your abstract twice to evaluate if it accurately explains your paper or not. Then, if needed, make the necessary improvements. 


Writing an abstract is a crucial part of getting your scientific paper published. It concisely summarizes your study’s main points and findings for readers who may not have time to read through all of it. 


Read and understand the steps and tips mentioned above for writing an impressive abstract. If you're still struggling with it, hire a essay writer service to help you out. 

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