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Wearing sunglasses is crucial to eye health. Just as with any other area of the body, the sun's UV rays can cause damage to your eyes. Too much revision supplement reviews exposure can cause conditions like cataracts and cataracts. Any sunglasses you decide to wear ought to protect your eyes from both UVA and UVB rays.

If you spend a lot of time on the computer, take regular breaks. For a minute or two each hour, focus on a distant object. This will allow your eyes to readjust. You will experience less eye strain and reduce the number of headaches that you experience throughout the week.

If you wear contact lenses, avoid wearing them while you sleep or for more than 19 hours. Unless you are wearing special lenses that are made for wearing overnight, your contact can deprive your eyes of oxygen and lead to extreme discomfort and possibly serious permanent damage to your sight.

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